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Thursday, April 12, 2018

Heading Down East

A sweet little note on the path to the local elementary school: Love one another!

I'm heading up the coast of Maine tomorrow....or "down east" as the locals say.....for a long weekend with several friends. We'll be stitching, walking, playing cards, eating, visiting, and relaxing.....just what the doctor ordered. I may or may not pop in here on the blog....mostly I'll be taking a short break and be back sometime next week.
This photo was taken on April 14, 2013 from the porch of my friend's house where we'll be staying. This rainbow was spectacular! Check out other views from the porch in this post.

"Down east" makes more sense when you look at a map of Maine. I say I'm going up the coast...or north....along the east coast....but you can see that it's actually "down....east." Yikes! The term first was used by shippers that sailed from Boston to Maine. They were sailing east but it was down wind....hence the phrase "down east."