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Saturday, April 7, 2018

Just One More!

That's what they all say!

It's like eating potato can never eat just one. But seriously....I need to focus on finishing the larger pieces. But just one more tiny one....for now.

I mentioned a few days ago how hooked I was on the uneven horizon line. 

But since I wasn't piecing in these teeny tiny birch trees....I didn't immediately see how to make that happen. But per usual....I did see it in the middle of the night....and it was so simple. So of course I had to make just one more today.
I could still slice the piece...shift it....then zig zag it back together.  The stitching would be covered with the appliquéd trees.                                                           
It looks a little funny until you lay down the trees and the matte...then it all makes sense.


I'm certainly much happier making small pieces....but I will finish my larger ones for the focal wall. I'm reworking the large blue one and kind of stuck at the moment....but I'll figure it out.  I keep reminding myself that everything is figureoutable!