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Saturday, May 19, 2018

Extended Family

With the exception of two years we lived in Madison WI Paul and I have lived away from extended family our whole marriage....37 years in just a few days.  First in Nashville TN, then Cumberland and Portland ME, now Lexington MA and Portland ME for the weekends.  We will retire to Portland at some point....and in the mean time we get here almost every weekend. Starting soon we will have permanent extended family just a few miles down the road!  Yay!

Margie and Liz fly in later tonight and I've been busy all day cleaning and tending to neglected house chores.  It might take up to two weeks for Margie's stuff to catch up with her but it will give her time to rest and adjust to her new time zone before she settles into her new home.  I'm so excited.

Paul went home to Lexington for a few days to work...but he knows me well and sent a picture of my shriveling bloom wreath. Pretty sweet of him! Thanks Paul!

Fresh....Day Two....Day Four

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