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Tuesday, May 8, 2018


Many many years ago I auditioned some of my work for a craft show in Maine called Designing Women. It won't surprise you that I submitted things using several different's just my way. Unfortunately they turned me down saying I went in too many directions and my work lacked focus. It didn't slow me down.

I continued to be "unfocused" crafting in a million directions making things for our church fairs and gifts for family and friends. I also started a long working relationship with Astrid at Folly 101 in Portland who embraced the variety and quirkiness of my work. To this day I still cover little match boxes for her.

The one thing that has remained true through all my years of randomly creating is the JOY I get from sitting at my sewing machine, picking glue off my fingers, and making a big colorful mess.
I decided to call this little show "JOY" and here is my artist statement.

A huge thank you to  Joyce and Dr. Adams for helping me out this morning.  I'll share more pictures soon...but for now here's a little peak.


  1. Looks amazing, and glad I got to see those beautiful and joyful creations in person!

    1. Thanks Anne! Your words of encouragement were helpful....thanks for taking the time to stop by.
