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Monday, May 28, 2018

Summer Camp

"To age with grace and humor is to be continually open to the wonder, mystery, and difficulty of our world."
Quote found here.

Another view of the two for one lilac bush....and our new little tree at the end of the row.
Margie and I laughed this afternoon as I was leaving her apartment about the fact that I felt a little like a mom leaving her child at summer camp.  All the basics were covered...and even a few creature comforts like a TV.  And unlike for my kids at camp....I'll be stopping by every day. None of this will make sense if you didn't read yesterday's post.

Margie certainly has a good sense of humor...and a "go for it" attitude open to new things knowing they'll be both wonderful and difficult.  This is a brave thing she is doing...leaving the familiar behind and starting a whole new chapter of her life.

As I was doing a google search for the author of the quote at the top....I stumbled onto an article that included this poem by Mary Oliver and I was quite moved. Seemed like good timing.

Mary Oliver will be 83 this year....and as author Parker J. Palmer wrote in this article I stumbled on..."I'm pretty sure she still has days when she feels she has wings."

I'm also pretty certain Mary would enjoy summer camp.

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