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Sunday, May 6, 2018


I've spent time the last few days finishing and tweaking a few of my projects that were abandoned for one reason or another.

This fused fabric mirror, for example, felt a little flat and lacking so I didn't think I would hang it in the show.  But with the extra time I had it's now good enough and ready to hang.

This is the before....and the photo looks better than it did up close in's usually the opposite. After I made it I wished the lines weren't so straight so the transitions were a little softer.

After auditioning several things between the colors including small strips of solid hand dyed fabrics and various fibers I decided to go with a thin black accent using pearl cotton thread. I thought it gave it a sort of a stitched outline look or even a stained glass effect. And it made the straight(ish) lines look a little more intentional.
When I was in Maine I cut lengths of the pearl cotton that would wrap around....carefully dipped them in matte medium and laid them on each seam pressing them down to make good contact.  

Once it was good and dry I did the same thing to the sides wrapping the threads to the back...this time applying the medium with a toothpick.  I finished the back and attached the mirror today and had to take it outside this evening to get enough light to get a decent picture. There you have it....a tweaked mirror...I'm calling it "Rainbow Connection."                                                                                                              

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