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Saturday, June 2, 2018

Patiently Waiting.

I repotted my rain lily bulbs a few weeks ago and I've been patiently waiting for signs of life. The first tiny hint of green appeared today so there's hope.

 This is a late season shot from last year.

The bulbs had been in the same pot since I got them from my sister LaVonn in 2015 and it was time for fresh soil.  The pot lived in the basement during the winters and outside during the summer.  They've become one of my favorite flowers.

I was surprised how big the bulbs had gotten and all the little baby bulbs that had grown and multiplied. I started with one pot....then I had went home with Aaron the landscaper.

Last year's blooms.

We'll see how they do....I just have to be patient.

Margie is also patiently waiting.  Her things from Colorado were supposed to arrive today....but are delayed.  The driver had a family emergency so left the truck in Rhode Island and headed home. The company is looking for another driver to take over....and it will likely be into next week.

We're both patiently waiting.

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