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Sunday, August 19, 2018

Little Miracles

I had a lovely conversation with Margie this morning and one of the things we talked about was the little miracles that happen every day. They don't have to be grand....just simple things like connections and conversations, accepting things that we don't have control over, and finding beauty in unexpected places. These little things can give us a new perspective and a renewed sense of gratitude and appreciation.

I described the sedum blossom I generally disregard. They turn from pink to brown pretty quickly and seem to look messy so I often clip them off before they've had a chance to shine. When I took the time to really look the other day I saw all the tiny little blossoms that make up the whole.....nothing short of a miracle.

I hope you noticed a little miracle today because if there's one thing I'm certain of is that there was one.

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