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Sunday, August 12, 2018

Making Art

We took Andy Warhol's advise from yesterday's post and spent a good chunk of today making art...or at least pieces and parts of art. It's the first time I've had someone working with me in the studio and it was kind of fun. I have a lot going on in there right now but I cleared a little corner of the table by the window for her....she was a good sport.

I was working with neutral recycled collage papers and indigo blues....and Becky was making bird parts. 

Using an image from one of my Geninne Zlatkis calendars Becky made a pattern by cutting apart one of the birds. Next she traced and cut out the different parts from a variety of papers. The pattern bird is on the left.

When she gets home she's going to create some sort of a background and has enough parts to assemble several different birds. I think they're fun!

I'll share my project sometime soon.

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