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Tuesday, September 18, 2018

12 x 12

"I rarely end up where I was intending to go, but I often end up somewhere I needed to be."  Douglas Adams.

I thought this stripe stack would end up on a long narrow multi-layered the first one I did.  But in the end I was inspired by a deep 12 x 12 canvas I found at a Goodwill store so decided to keep it simple and square it up. I think the variety of sizes is a good idea for the show.

This lovely hand dyed fabric was the perfect compliment and actually all one piece....I just sliced it apart. There are hints of the purple on the teal...and hints of the teal on the purple.

I'm quite fond of a deep canvas but they're  pretty expensive to buy new. This is one of a set of two for just a few dollars second hand so another 12 x 12 is in my future. 

I finished the top stitching today....which included a little ripping out and redoing. But....I'm ending up where I need to be on this one and I hope to get it fused to the canvas in the next couple of days.

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