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Saturday, September 22, 2018

Abundance...Part Two

At the end of our morning walk yesterday I was drawn into the woods by an unusual splash of color...and I was absolutely blown away by what I found. 

Hundreds of tiny golden mushrooms were bursting from a stump.  It's was like a whole little village gathered for party....and I was invited.

As I explored further I found a teeny tiny bunch popping up by another stump.  These were about the size of my pinkie nail...I'm going to keep an eye on them.

I ended up spending quite a bit of time in the woods exploring parts I hadn't been did not disappoint.

I'm not sure I would have believed that mushrooms could be this shade of purple had I not seen them with my own eyes.


And right there in the middle of the woods was an old tennis ball worn to a point that it looked like it belonged.  I love our little woods in the city! Abundance...indeed!

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