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Sunday, September 9, 2018

Collecting Treasures

It was one of those days. The air was crisp and cool and it felt like fall...I enjoyed every minute of it! I fit in as much as I possibly could so it was hard to decide what to write was all so awesome! 

But what get's top billing today is my love for all things wabi-sabi. I was inspired by and quite moved by a post called "Saturday...with some Wabi Sabi" by Philippa Stanton also known as 5ftinf.  She is one of my favorite artists and teachers.

As I was heading into church this morning I was quite taken with the bright and cheery hedge of zinnias along the rock wall.  But on closer look as I was heading home I was even more taken with were the spent blooms...the imperfect ones that we generally deadhead and discard.

Later in the afternoon I went back with a bag and a pair of clippers. To the average onlooker I was doing a public service...deadheading the spent blooms to tidy up the garden.  But in reality I was collecting treasures!

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