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Friday, October 12, 2018

Like A Kid.... a candy store. Treats from our morning walk.

I was just reading about sumac and learned that some of it is poisonous.  Since I'm not covered in a rash I'm assuming this isn't. Phew! It sure is spectacular in the fall.

I've been enjoying a zinnia patch all summer long around a mailbox on our walking route in Portland. I'm loving it just as much this fall in all its wabi-sabi glory!
I'v had a little creative slump in the studio the last couple of days...recent projects not quite working out. So I'm even more grateful for the colorful eye candy from our was the highlight of my day.

I'll try again tomorrow.

My niece Clarke arrives tomorrow evening from Tennessee.  She'll stay with me at the condo...but also spend a lot of time with Margie, her grandmother.

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