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Sunday, October 28, 2018

Margie's Trees

I enjoyed every minute of my very busy day. I accomplished quite a lot.

I stopped in to see Margie this afternoon and her maple trees out her balcony window are in their full glory.  She's enjoyed watching them change throughout the season.

Some big events are on the horizon for her....I'll share them soon.

Nothing brings me more joy than helping Margie with whatever is on her list.  Today I delivered a pile of her coloring pages all cut up and ready to mount on cards....there are 8 or 10 total.  I attached them to a piece of card stock and included another coordinating color for a second frame that she will mount onto her blank cards. Margie is a good note write and what's more special than an original little snippet of her coloring.   

Since this post is mostly about Margie....why not include a curious picture her son sent me from a walk that matches her trees.  I'm guessing it's's pretty cool don't you think?  One chunk looks like a little heart. Thanks Paul. 💛

And speaking of walks....I started and finished a project today inspired from one of our walks.  These are the trimmings of the fused hand dyed fabrics I used...I'll share the project tomorrow. 

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