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Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Tiny Trees

I'm reinventing the "tiny trees" for the show...they were well received last time. The frame is just 3 x 5 and the opening is just 2 x 3....I still love them. 

The starry sky fabric is actually from an ombre scarf I got for free with another order. I never wore it because it was printed on just one side so was awkward.  It was an infinity scarf so there's a lot of it will appear in more projects throughout this show as I head into December.  It's a little hard to work with....but I'll figure it out.  I love the color and texture.

I had an assembly line going....

...and have six to start with and more to come.

Today was all about the last minute details...printing, tweaking, and packing things up. My stacks go up tomorrow. 

I love this little stone stand for my calling was Connie's.

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