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Friday, November 2, 2018

Found Object

I added some wrapped sticks to my wool piece.  It felt a little flat so needed something to give it some depth. It's like a little grove of trees.

I spent the day today in Maine working on my "tweaking" pieces for the side wall of the show and had a nice lunch break with Margie. I'll write more about my projects tomorrow....this post is about another little grove of trees...and a found object!

When my most recent guests were here Jolee found a fabulous piece of driftwood at Kettle Cove (my new favorite coastal spot)...the grain is amazing. I can't believe she gave it to's a real treasure!

Several weeks ago I put in a little garden in the corner of our backyard next to the rock wall at the condo.  I'm going to keep it naturalized with its woodsy setting adding interesting ferns and perennials. I have a great view of it when I'm sitting on the patio.

I love this little grove of trees and have thought about tucking in some natural art elements and my new treasure is a good start. The round driftwood is a nice contrast to the vertical trees.

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