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Friday, November 16, 2018

Happy To You!

It's Margie's birthday as we say in our family "HAPPY TO YOU!" When our oldest son was young he used to sing the birthday song as just "happy to you...happy to you...happy to you"...and so it lives on.  

Margie had to share her birthday with the first snow storm of the it shifted the plans a little. But we had a nice little celebration in her apartment and it will continue into tomorrow. She's a young 87 today...and getting younger every day!

We feel very fortunate to have Margie near by and look forward to sharing all the holidays and celebrations with her.  Like he daughter Alyson told me...."she's fun at a party!"

It seems like a good time to chime in on some excitement ahead.  Margie temporarily moved into a senior living facility near our condo in Maine last May...and soon will be moving to a brand new facility that has been under construction forever! It was supposed to be finished in September...then it was it's late November. She's been very patient!  We hope to have her moved in after Thanksgiving and we'll finally get to really set up her apartment.  We only unpacked the essentials here...and hung only one picture so she's been living "lightly" but doing just fine.  It is time to get her more settled and surrounded by things that will make her house a home.  So stay tuned!

There is no question that she is her son's mother. Paul's gift to her was that stack of books under her birthday tarts in the photo above.  Margie, like her son, always has stacks of books on the coffee table. Happy to you Margie!  We love you!

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