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Monday, November 26, 2018

Something New...

...something blue.

I've had a Pinterest inspired tree piece in my head for a while and decided to give it a whirl today. 

It actually reminds me of a tree Janet and I saw this morning on our walk.  We loved how the vines gave it a fluffy and festive almost looked decorated with garland.           

Since I've been working in blues lately...I chose a variety of indigo fabrics for the background.  Working on a stiff batting I drew the lines of a basic stick tree and fused in the blues....kind of like a patchwork mosaic.  It didn't have to be perfect because the branches and trunk would cover the gaps. To make them I folded and fused the edges of the fabric to the back...I didn't want raw edges. It also gives them a little dimension....and the blue fabric won't show through. I will tack them down with fabric glue before I stitch. Right now they are just sitting on top. They may need some adjustment....I can see one that's a little thick.

I'm letting it sit for today and will finish it up tomorrow. I will bind it and mount it on a black repurposed canvas.

It was inspired by this image I found on Pinterst by print and pattern designer Rene Casanova.

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