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Sunday, November 18, 2018

"Sunday Woods"

"If you see something beautiful in someone, speak it."
Ruthie Lindsey

I follow an artist/teacher named Shari Blaukopf from Montreal, Canada. Once or twice a week a post pops up in my e-mail....and I'm always swept away. Today it was into "Sunday Woods," a beautiful painting of the first snowfall in Montreal...a nice follow up from my post yesterday  about the snow carpeting my woods in Maine.

I immediately sent her a message thanking her and letting her know how much I appreciate her art. I'm going to do that more often....thank people who bring me joy.

I love her paintings but especially love her sketches.  If you go to her website you can check out her work.....and you can read all about her process on her blog.  She's amazing!

Her floral sketches makes me melt....


...and her seaside sketches make me smile. Thank you for your beautiful art Shari!


  1. Thank you! Your blog is full of inspiration, beauty, and oh!

    1. Thank you so much! I really appreciate the feed back. Some days we have to look a little harder...but there's always something beautiful, inspiring, or joyful in every single day. Happy Thanksgiving Sally!
