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Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Getting Older

I turned 60 today.....and I couldn't be happier about it. I love getting older!  With every passing year I've learned something new about myself and what I'm capable of....and what I can let go.  I've learned to let days unfold and just surprise me but to also find joy in my daily routine.  I've learned to slow down and pay attention....especially to the little things. I've learned to be grateful for all the wonderful people in my life who are willing to listen to my stories....and then want to tell me theirs. 

I love getting older. 

Paul sent me this poem today in honor of my birthday...and in memory of my mother.  He knew her birthday was just a few weeks ago...she would have been 93.  He knew she was just 62....two years older than I am right now when she died...31 years ago.  

August Third 

by May Sarton

These days
Lifting myself up
Like a heavy weight,
Old camel getting to her knees,
I think of my mother
And the inexhaustible flame
That kept her alive
Until she died.

She knew all about fatigue
And how one pushes it aside
For staking up the lilies
Early in the morning,
The way one pushes it aside
For a friend in need
For a hungry cat.

Mother, be with me
Today on your birthday
I am older than you were
When you died
Thirty-five years ago
Thinking of you
The old camel gets to her knees
Stands up
Moves forward slowly
Into the new day.

If you taught me one thing 
It was never to fail life.

Paul knew this poem would be meaningful...and he knew it would make me cry. But he knew they would be good tears because he was lucky enough to know my mom and saw and felt her "inexhaustible flame." And...he has come to understand that she taught me many things.... including "never to fail life."

I love getting older...but I still miss my mom.

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