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Monday, April 15, 2019


The view out the back of the house is as pretty as the front.  I just love the bare birch trees.

It's a rainy day today....a good time to play with fabric. All three of us were busy at the table with fabric projects....with two sewing machines going.  It was awesome!

I'm experimenting with something I've been thinking about for a while...and similar to what I've done before.  I drew an outline of some simple trees shapes on heavy stabilizer and am fusing pieces of my confetti dot fabric in all the spaces between the branches.

My plan is to cover all the branches with black fabric to give it a stained glass effect.

I didn't bring any black fabric with I uploaded the photo to my computer and added lines in my pages program.  When I actually add the fabric I will vary the widths and so they will look more like trees. My plan is to add a very thin black binding and mount it on a black canvas. I think it might work...but there are things I'll try differently next time.

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