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Friday, April 5, 2019

What I Needed To Do

My horoscope today:

Taurus (April 20-May 20) 
Regardless of whether you're willing to share your concerns, you have a lot on your mind. Take some much-needed personal time. Indulge in a walk, enjoy yourself and relax. You could be surprised how fast you find the right answers.

I did have a nice walk with Paul this morning.  Then I settled in to do exactly what I wanted to do...I put on some music and started to tidy up the studio...or at least that was the goal. 

As soon as I got my table cleaned off enough....I paused and did a little watercolor experiment inspired by something I saw on Instagram.

First I sliced some skinny pieces of blue painters tape and attached them to a 4 x 4 piece of watercolor paper.  I used my bone folder to burnish the tape to cut down on bleeding.

Then I just splotched in random color here and there.

 I let it dry a bit...and removed the tape.


Now what?  I'm not really sure...but I did come to some conclusions: wider white spaces would be useful to add some writing...and leaving some white spaces in my painting lines would be more visually interesting and appealing.

I have an idea for the next one inspired by another artist who also uses tape in her painting. Stay tuned.
This was actually my first attempt....but I had a lot of bleeding on the blue one...and I wasn't really happy with the tape lines on the rainbow one. I do like the rainbow wash effect, however, so will be revisiting that.

And just in case it wasn't clear...I didn't get as much cleaning done as I'd hoped...but I did what I needed to do!

The technique was inspired by Melissa Doty....who often uses tape in her painting.

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