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Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Desperate...but Hardy

"Sometimes I only need stand wherever I am to be blessed."
Mary Oliver I love the smell of lilacs in the spring.

For the past several years I've used hosta, ferns, and grasses from my garden for some of my patio pots....they're free and easy to take care of.  I often heal them into the garden for the winter...but have also wintered them in pots in the garage.

This poor hosta one was hidden in the garage sadly reaching for the light and in desperate need of water.  Oops.

I repotted it in fresh soil and slowly acclimated it to the outdoors. This once sad, desperate hosta is pretty it's going to be just fine.  

We had a warm summery day yesterday and the crabapple blooms popped wide open. Although I still love the buds the best...the full blooms are lovely too.  

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