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Thursday, May 16, 2019

Something from Nothing

I spent a quick 24 hours in had been a couple of weeks since I'd been there and I just wanted to check on things.  Spring is just beginning there....several weeks behind Lexington.  But it was nice to finally see more green than brown and even some splashes of color.

And...speaking of anticipation (from yesterday's post) was time to pull the rain lilies out of the closet and start watering them.  I won't be able to leave them outside until the nights are warmer...but I'm hoping for a head start.  It's hard to believe something so beautiful will come from what seems to be nothing.

I was pretty excited to see the ferns from Lexington I planted in the woods are thriving. They're much further along than anything else in the woods....I guess they are on the Lexington timetable. 

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