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Friday, May 3, 2019

The Other Half

I've had a cathedral window quilt going for 12 years....and I'm using the word "going" very loosely.  It has spent a lot of time just sitting.

And for more than a year I've had half of it hanging in my studio. I took the other half with me when I was away with my buddies a few weeks ago and I realized I was closer than I thought to finishing it.
The last row on the wall has 31 white squares and the last row on the other half  has 23.  It decreases by 2 every time so I have rows 25, 27 and 29 to go....then I can connect the two halves.  Got that? I know what I'm doing and I'm not sure I have it right.

I have 25 white squares I have 56 more to go and I'm taking them on the road!                                                                                 

I'm heading out of town for a week (more about that in the next post) and I've got my bag of squares ready to go. I'm not sure how much time I'll have to have to work on it but maybe I'll make a little dent.

This is row 23 on the other half....I'm almost done inserting the colors.  For every row of white squares there are 2 rows of colors.

I've written a lot of posts about cathedral window quilts....but here is the post with the step by step of making the white squares when I took it on the road with me to Colorado when I was visiting Margie in 2015.

This is what is looked like when I started 12 years ago!!!  I have to chuckle because at the time I thought I would make it queen size...and I became worried I wouldn't live long enough to see it through.  But when I realized it would make the perfect focal point wall hanging for the studio I knew I could do it.  

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