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Saturday, June 29, 2019


The Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens in Boothbay cover 295 acres. The grounds are filled with zillions of flowers and plants, amazing sculptures, and interesting water features.  I chose just a few photos to post here....but created a Steller Story with many many more.  Click this link...and take a little tour tapping through the photos if you're interested.

There are lovely paths through the gardens and woods making it just a delight to explore all the colors and textures.                                                                                        

I started a modest little garden at the end of the stone wall in the backyard in Portland.  I'm keeping it simple with mostly woodland plants and now a little natural garden art.

I just looked up the tall yellow dandelion type flower that's in the left's called called meadow hawkweed and I think I need to get rid of it because it's invasive and can smother everything. 

Jolee found this awesome piece of driftwood when she was visiting last fall. I tried bracing it between the trees...but it kept falling out.  I finally picked up a metal rod...drilled a hole...and now it's an art piece in the garden.

Paul and I found the long driftwood piece at the's loaded with barnacles and interesting texture. I see a driftwood theme starting.

It's a work in progress...there's some scruff to clean up and I'll gradually add more plants but it's a start. It's hard to see in the picture...but there's a nice view from the patio off there to the right. It's better in come on over and sit with me.

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