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Friday, July 5, 2019

Book Club

When I lived in Madison almost 10 years ago I was in a book club with these three amazing women....Becky, Tracie, and Rosy.

Today was a book club girls' day...we toured gardens....ate good food...and worked on creative projects around Tracie's table. We even talked about a couple books. There are so many things to share about the day it's hard know where to start. For this post I'll celebrate their outdoor spaces and save the rest for another day.

Tracie has beautiful gardens all around her of my favorite plants was this delicate butterfly plant. The color and detail were amazing.                                                                           
I was quite take with Tracie's homemade bee houses made from native plant stems for bees that preferred solitary living.


Rosy's backyard is a shade paradise with all kinds of hosta, ferns and interesting found objects.

 She has placed a mirror along her fence which adds an interesting illusion of a window into another yard.

I've never seen old plates used as a border....there were touches of whimsy everywhere.

So glad I got to visit these beautiful and creative outdoor spaces!

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