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Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Found Objects

Janet loves found objects as much as I do....maybe even more.  After our walk this morning (it was beastly hot, by the way) we toured her newly organized shed....and it did not disappoint.

It's the perfect mix of form and function and holds some of her precious finds including part of an old dock she's using as a shelf. And who doesn't want a set of brass candelabras in their shed.  I do! First....I need to find a shed.

Perfectly placed old bottles and other found treasures were everywhere you looked....even beautiful peels of birch bark adorned the walls.  I loved it all!

It was fun seeing that rainbow chair I included in my texture Steller Story several years ago when I took the Consciously Creative class.  It's old school....and colorfully simply.

I'm going to be working on our tiny garage in Maine over the next month/years....and this treasure trove of found objects as decoration will be part of my inspiration.

I walked by this picket fence on the way home from Janet's.  I used to grow cosmos all the time and have always loved its airy wispiness.  
The flowers are all different shades of pink and white including this variegated variety.  They just ooze summer.
But just as delightful is all that potential packed into the bud with the spider legs....and the spent blossom with all its texture and awesomeness.  Found objects of a different sort.

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