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Thursday, July 25, 2019

Half Way!

Paul and I are in Maine for a few days....and the first thing I did was check on things in the garden.  I mentioned I pinched off all the blossoms on my verbena before I left last time....and just like I hoped it was in full bloom again today.  I also did some selective pinching back of the fan flower and it's better and more beautiful than ever!

And the rain lily pots are just bursting....with more buds on the way.  Nature just keep giving and giving.  

My doodle and a Gudrun's World sale flyer were the perfect pairing for card #48. My favorite part is the little "psst" peaking out of the corner.

Card #49 was inspired by the scraps from an evening of star making.  I wove some of the left over strips and added this little image from the same catalog.  And...committing to using things from the past I added a little image from the doodle under the model's hand.  Simple and fun.

Then yesterday I was supposed to be cleaning my sewing room in Lexington when I found a container of pre-cut fusible circles. Within seconds the cleaning stopped and I started ironing them onto the next card. At the time I hadn't connected that the previous card's paper strips were also dots so made for a nice flow. Coincidence?  I think not.

In the morning I thought it needed a few more circles.  I love this one.

I'm half way there! Yay! You can check out a little time lapse video I did of the first 1/2 of my project here on my instagram page.

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