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Saturday, July 27, 2019

Simple Pleasures

Some of the first petals are going by....but lots of buds still coming on the meadow rue.  Simple pleasures....over and over and over.  
Old rain lily blossoms turning pale...bright new ones coming...simple pleasures....over and over and over.

Almost every piece of paper that comes in the mail....or anywhere near me gets assessed to see if it might be useful.  I saved this lovely notecard from Melodee because I loved the colors, the paper. and the simple design. Using a gridded index card I doodled a little background design mimicking the flower on the card....complete with a tiny gold dot in the center.  It was quite meditative, actually.

Doodling....cutting...glueing....simple pleasures.

I found a couple of pages in a sketchbook of experimental scribbly handwriting....which by the way will never be a strength.  I punched it up and glued the squares on as a background for card #52.


I wanted something simple as a focal chose fabric I had gotten from Janet with beautiful circular designs.  Something old...something new....simple cards....simple pleasures.

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