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Saturday, July 20, 2019

Transition Day

Today was a transition day and I'm back in Lexington.  I was in Maine for a week on my own while Paul was with his buddies in the mountains of Colorado.  But after a 4 hour delay at the airport in Denver he's on his home now.  It will be good to be back together again....we make a good team

Last night I pinched all the blooms on the verbena and rain lilies.  There were lots of buds coming so they should be blooming again when I go back.  I was smitten with the glow of the spent blossoms in the bottom of my little purple tub.

When I woke up this morning most of the rain lily buds had opened but I left them alone.  My sister always said rain lilies are fans of heat and humidity and that's just what we're getting.  

This was this morning's attempt (one of about 6) at photographing the meadow rue.  Paul and I won't be back up until Thursday and I'll miss watching its progress.  I just love the little round buds....they're like little pinky purple pearls.

When I was working on my tube project...I found these colorful words in the art magazines and saved them for a simple card. 

3 x 5 is pretty there wasn't much room for much of anything else. I think I could have done better....but it needed to be quick and simple....lots to do to get ready to go home. 

This morning I attached this inchie piece I found in my stash for #46.  Honoring the past with my favorite Sun Stars and Moon calendar. The star on #45 is from the same calendar.  When I saw this photo I chuckled because somewhere between finishing #45 and taking this photo I picked up two little 1/2 circles that aren't actually attached. All part of the colorful play journey. Grace....and joy!

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