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Wednesday, July 10, 2019

"Where Women Create"

There's a magazine called Where Women Create  that celebrates artists' studios and spaces. 

Rosy, Tracie, and Becky are all creative people and have designated spaces in their homes where they create.  When we got together last week it was fun touring their spaces and sit around Tracie's table while we visited, stitched, painted, clipped, and glued.

Tracie's space is clean and calm....exactly the kind of space she needs to paint and create.

My heart overflowed with joy when she showed me the 100 day project she started inspired by reading my blog. Tracie is doing a small watercolor painting every day and mounting them on cards with coordinating colorful strips of card stock. 
Her paintings are just delightful!

The colored strips are a lovely addition....can you imagine what the box is 
going to look like when there are 100?  I can....and I'm just giddy.

Rosy's space is a cozy corner of her basement and is filled with inspiration, supplies, collections. and memorabilia.  

Now a retired elementary teacher Rosy repurposed her school bins for her own storage and I absolutely loved her labels: magnificent scraps, delicious miscellany, useful junk, high impact stuff, clever salvage, curious items, assorted ephemera, and wondrous supplies.

There's nothing more fun than a table full of color, textures and creative projects.

I had been admiring Tania Lissova's tiny plants on her Instagram page. So I collected some papers from Becky's stash and gave it a try for one of my cards.

Then....using a background of catalog pages that were collaged and stitched from my stash I brought from home...I used some of the paper scrapes and created another card. Something old and something new....that's my theme.

While I was at Becky's we spent a couple of evenings in her creative space.  It's a lovely room that I helped her put together over several visits and it continues to evolve.  I've written about it a couple of times:

Becky has been collecting some of my little rainbow photographs in 4 inch frames and I brought her a new one of my found plastic objects.      
I absolutely love seeing where women create!   

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