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Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Blue Balloon

I've had a bright blue Ford Focus station wagon since 2005....and I've loved it. Paul and I bought it brand new after finally letting go of the family mini-van and it was the first car that was mostly mine.  The only thing I've longed for was cruise control for my trips to Maine.....everything else I needed was right here in this simple bright blue car.  Still looks new...doesn't it?

Not all cars have stories....but this one of which is honored by this bumper sticker.

Back in July of 2007....the night before my friend Patsy was going to ride with Janice and me in this car as I moved from Portland, Maine to Madison, Wisconsin, her younger brother Allan Parsons was killed in a tragic accident.

As an EMT Al was responding to a drunk driving accident on a country road in Maine and was hit by yet another drunk driver and killed instantly. I will never forget the horror and heartbreak of that next day as my dear friend and her family started their grieving process.....and I had to drive away. This bumper sticker has been on my car ever since.

When the car was still brand new I bought an antique dining room hutch with money from my grandmother and I couldn't believe it fit in my car. Yes...I drove over an hour with the seat tilted a bit forward and as far ahead as it could go....but it worked and I've hauled many surprisingly large things since. I've filled it with yard trash going one way to the transfer facility and bark mulch and compost coming the has served me well.

Yesterday I cleaned out all the nooks and crannies (I found three missing umbrellas and $20)....gave it a good vacuum...and drove it through the carwash one last time. Today we took it to a mechanic friend who it going to get it ready to be donated to Place of Promise, a Christian based organization that lifts up and supports the poor and powerless helping them to build a better life.

Just before we drove it away today....I did one last check and found this blue balloon deep in a crevice next to the front seat.  Coincidence?  I think not. Often times when we let go of the past we get to celebrate something new.

We picked up our "new used" car today that will be more reliable and energy efficient.  It has more bells and whistles than I really needed but I'm sure it will serve us well.

Is it silly to feel emotional about a car?  Probably....I'm going to miss my bright blue car!  💙

1 comment:

  1. Becoming a balloon artist is not as easy as it sounds, it is actually very challenging and it requires a lot of training and some level of education (this is not the type of education that you are thinking of).
    Balloon Inflator
