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Friday, August 23, 2019

Blue Mosaic

Today I made a third photo card....this time a little blue mosaic. I pulled a few more sky photos to punch and came across a photo of blue wool and thought it would add interesting texture. Punching new squares also gives me a chance to show my process again for making a photo mosaic.

Since the photographs have a white edgeI outline them with a sharpie....
giving them a nice little frame and the effect of grout.

This time I experimented with glueing them onto deli paper making them quite easy to re-punch.

It's helpful that I can see what I'm punching in the view finder.

 I outlined them again with the sharpie.

I didn't have enough to cover the card....and I wanted keep moving forward
so I stitched a reference line/frame to work within and glued on the mosaic squares.
Laziness?.....or good design?....maybe a little of both.

And there you have it....mosaic blues of #78. Generally I glue the original squares on black paper so white doesn't show between the small pieces....I think I like that better.  And I can see that I should have rotated a few so small pieces aren't right next to other small pieces....but all in all I think it works OK.
and...I think they make a colorful photo trio.

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