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Monday, August 19, 2019

Catch-Up Day

My guests headed home today and I had a catch-up day here at the condo....inside and out.

These two leaves caught my eye....the one on the left looks like lace thanks to some sort of bug.

The mushrooms are out in force....this one also kind of lacey.

This one was impressively large.....

...and these were impressively tiny.

I played catch-up with some cards I had in various stages.

The geometric pieces are from mixed media collages that I cut up.

The blue one is a doodle done with marker. The pieces of laser cut card stock on top were used as a resist on a gel plate experiment....that's why they're blue.

The orange one features one of Becky's coloring flowers on a watercolor background.
Here I chained up precut catalog circles left over from a previous project. 

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