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Tuesday, August 13, 2019


Becky sent me these two quotes over the past couple of days....she knows me well.                                                                    
In between house chores and tripping over the vacuum cleaner I've taken a little time to repurpose some of my watercolor experiments for my 100 day project. Today I played catch-up and finished them up and took a few photos. Making things DOES help me remember where I came from.  Thanks mom!

#66 is actually a digital image I experimented with back in 2015 and I wrote a post about it and the inspiration here.  The rest are reinvented watercolors.

This one has a few scraps from my Sun Stars and Moon calendar.
The background was cut from a larger blue and green patchwork I did at some point.
Black stitching lines would have made this one pop a little more.

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