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Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Golden Yellow

"We are who we are when no one's watching."

This quote really struck me today....I want to be proud of who I am when I'm alone.

Anita and I saw lots of late summer golden yellows on our walk this morning.....and Black-Eyed Susans are a classic.  My sisters and I used to dry the flowers in cornmeal and use them in fall arrangements. They kept their shape and color for a long time.
The fuzzy tansy in Janet's garden also reminds me of my younger grew wild along the country roads. 

On Anita's way home from our walk she spotted tansy in the garden at the Hancock-Clarke of our historic buildings in Lexington. Ironically enough the house itself is golden yellow. The sign by the plant said that it was "a household herb hung in kitchens used to repel mosquitoes, flies, and ants; also used for embalming."  Who new! 
I came across a little box of punched squares left over from various projects including a photo mosaic mirror I made back in 2016.  I knew I could come up with something for today's index card.
I made this mirror for my first art show and it sold very quickly....I may have to revisit this idea again! I wrote about the process here where I punched...then re-punched.

I pulled out some greens and golden yellows in honor of the finds on our walk....and made a simple card.  There was one punched square in the box that was sunlight through the clouds with a bit of glitter on it....I couldn't help but add it to the card for a little focal point. 

I glued the squares in a brick pattern then trimmed up the edges at the end.

I sense a photo theme coming on!

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