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Monday, August 26, 2019

Mindfully Mindless

Sometimes I need something mindfully mindless....when I just want to be quiet but still do something with my hands that doesn't require creativity or much if any thought at all. And...just for the record...I do my share of absolutely nothing but vegging in front of the TV...because I need that too.

But sorting edge pieces and organizing the new puzzle pieces in my box tops was the perfect mindfully mindless activity last night....

...and I had the border put together before I finished my morning coffee.

I intended to crop this photo....but there are a couple things I thought I would point out. I'm not sure it was wise for me to stand on the chair....I have a perfectly good and much safer little step stool...but it does show the polka dot chair pad made from the same fabric I used for the condo valances. was a chilly enough this morning to be wearing socks. I welcome and quietly celebrate the slow shift from summer to fall. 

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