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Friday, August 9, 2019

On The Road

I'm up in Maine for a nice long stretch.  Paul's sister and her husband from Colorado are coming next week so I'm here to tend to some projects....clean and putter.....then enjoy the company. It will be the first time Alyson has seen her mom in over a's going to be fun.

I didn't want to leave my one hydrangea bloom I decided to bring it on the road with me.

Now I can watch it in my window sill....and enjoy it in a different kind of way.

I'm a little out of sync with my 100 day project....but I'll get back into my groove now that I'll be in one place for a while.

When I visited Muffy I was reminded that I can shrink a few days ago I resized one of my larger doodles and used it on a couple cards.
I sliced up a photograph of the cornfields across from my sister's as a background for the one on top.  The next one has a background from the inside of security envelopes.  The bottom one is another of my first gel plate experiments....and a Christmas card laser cut overlay.  Sometimes they just need to be simple.
At some point I'm going to play around with the gel plate again....just another thing on the "want to" list. This texture was made using bubble wrap as a resist.

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