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Wednesday, August 28, 2019


"Listen to the wind, it talks. Listen to the silence, it speaks. Listen to your heart, it knows."  
Native American Proverb

Transitions can be beautiful! When the fall colors start to appear it means that the plant is starting to rest.  It stops producing green chlorophyll and the yellows, oranges and reds start to appear. 

Janet and I came upon a yard on our walk this morning that has gone wildly back to nature....both of us found it oddly beautiful. 

Just a few days ago I pulled a bunch of this very weed out of my gardens. Here...where it's been left alone...the transition has revealed a lovely shade of red/orange.

After doing a little research I found out it's called "smartweed."  I'm probably going to keep pulling it....but I will admit that it's quite lovely as it starts to rest. 

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