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Sunday, August 11, 2019


Today was a chore day and there was a cool breeze all day long making the tasks a little more pleasant. I need about 5 more days just like this.

And....nature seemed to reward me for my work.

As I was watering the lawn I found one sycamore seed pod in the grass.  The sycamore is not doing well this year and I'm hoping it's the result of the difficult winter and not something more serious.  Hopefully next year it will come back in it's full glory.....and this green fuzzy pod gives me hope.

Then at the end of the afternoon I took my dinner and book to the patio and was entertained by a steady stream of birds enjoying the birdbath....chickadees, goldfinches, and one red cardinal.  We see birds fairly often....but not like today.

Thank you nature! I'm so grateful!

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