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Friday, September 13, 2019

Drawn In

I was drawn into the woods by a silly little chipmunk.....he was so cute perched high up on a stump.  I knew I wasn't going to be able to get close enough to photograph him...but I was drawn in nevertheless.

As I headed back out I came across a whole patch of tiny red mushrooms and I think that little chipmunk lured me in so I wouldn't miss them.  

There were several that were just little bumps poking through.....cute as a button. 

I have since learned that some red mushrooms are poisonous....but I don't think these are.  I did a little research this evening and got a little freaked out by some of the stuff I read. But I'm going to continue to enjoy the mushrooms in my yard....and just leave them alone. 
Let yourself be drawn in by whatever catches your attention.....
you might be surprised what else you might find.

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