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Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Good Distraction

"We live on a blue planet that circles around a ball of fire next to a moon that moves the sea....and you don't believe in miracles?"  author unknown

I popped in to see Janice today and I fell in love with a giant volunteer sunflower in her back yard.  Everything about this makes me smile.

As I was attempting to do some organizing in my studio yesterday I came across a pile of scraps from Margie's coloring pages....and the BSO syndrome kicked in.....highly distracted by bright shiny objects....or in this case soft colored papers.  They're left-overs from making note cards and I always knew they would be useful.

We had just talked about that fact that she needed more notecards so I got out my trusty square punch and experimented with a couple of mosaic notecards. I dropped them off today and was pleased that she liked there's probably more in her future.  I'm always up for good distraction.

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