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Tuesday, September 24, 2019

It's All About the Stem

I've said it before....and I'll say it's all about the stem!

I drove up to Maine yesterday and it was so nice to see so much fall color along the highway.  I took a little detour in southern Maine and stopped at a farm stand to buy a pumpkin.....and this fantastic stem gourd. 

We have couple trees in their full glory at the condo. I pulled in to park at Margie's apartment today there was a whole row of bushes with fabulous berries turning from yellow to red.  I need to find out what these are....I love them.                                                                                                          

Margie has a nice view of the changing colors in the woods from her living room and...... 

...I fell in love with the one tiny red maple out in the distance from her balcony.
I've said this before....and I'll say this again too.....I love fall.

Happy Birthday to my dear friend Becky....who I've known almost my whole life.

This may not have been our best look....but it's a tiny glimpse into our comfort level with each other and a few things we have in common.  This was taken September 21, 2015 during her visit to chilly New England.....and I love it.

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