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Friday, October 11, 2019

Clever Recycling

Paul and I bundled up for a lovely late afternoon/evening on the patio. The birds, squirrels, and chipmunks were all the entertainment we needed....and they were busy.

I'm assuming everyone gets free address labels in the mail from nonprofits hoping for donations....we sure do.  I keep some...but generally recycle most of them.  Free labels are not going determine what charities we support and I wish they wouldn't waste the paper.  

But Lynne made good use of hers and cut off the address part and made a postcard for me. Even the substrate is made from a recycled manilla folder.  It's such a treat to get something fun and colorful in the mail!

Thanks Lynne for brightening up my day with a delightful pop of orange. Such clever recycling! I'm going to borrow the idea!


  1. Great idea MaryAnn. I am interested in the object in the second photo. Is that a trivet? What is it made of?

    1. Yes it's a trivet made by Ellen out of coils of tightly wrapped recycled paper....catalogs I believe. She coated it so it could be used....but I'm very careful with it. It's fabulous! If you want better pictures....let me know....and I believe you could easily get instructions online. Thank you for asking!
