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Friday, October 4, 2019


I often wonder if I should write about every puzzle I do....but here I go...AGAIN. This new one has consumed me the last few a good diversion kind of way.

I love that this was part of a large collage split into seven colorful puzzles.  I don't know that I'll do any more....but for now it's all about blue.

This one has very few if any standard shapes....and some don't even interlock but just sit next to each. One might think the odd shapes would make it easy....but that hasn't been the case.  It's been much harder than I thought it would be....but I think the challenge has been good. The last one was pretty easy.

I've been a little out of sorts sitting at the puzzle table has been a good diversion while I transition into a better place. This photo below was taken on October 1st.....

...and this is where I left it this morning.

It's been a long time since I've spent this much time at the puzzle table...but I think it's just what I needed.  I'm down to just one box of pieces (from 5) and it's starting to go pretty fast.  It will sit now for a few days because I just got to Maine this evening with some fun stops along the way that I'll share tomorrow.  Don't underestimate the value of a good diversion activity...especially when you're feeling a little blue. 😉

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