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Sunday, October 13, 2019

Seven Church Tour

Lexington, Massachusetts is a town of about 33,000 and Paul estimates there are more than 30 houses of worship.  There is a rich history of interfaith respect and understanding and through an organization called the Lexington Interfaith Clergy Association about 15 houses of worship work together to celebrate diversity, work for justice,  and promote the greater good.

Today Paul and I did what he calls the "seven church tour"...a 2 1/2 mile walk around town which takes you by seven churches spanning nearly the full spectrum of Christianity: Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Mainline Protestant, Evangelical Protestant, and Unitarian Universalist.

It was a picture perfect Sunday for the "seven church tour".....and I'm taking you along.

1.  St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox

2.  The Church of Our Redeemer Episcopal

3.  First Baptist

 4. Hancock United Church of Christ (our church)

5. First Parish Unitarian Universalist

6. St. Brigid's Roman Catholic Church

7. Grace Chapel

I highly recommend this moving reading of the Town of Lexington Inclusivity Proclamation read by members of the Lexington Interfaith Clergy.  A good reminder these days of the importance of tolerance, respect, and dignity.  Click the link below to watch a video of the reading:

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