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Saturday, October 26, 2019

This and That

"Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go." 
author unknown

The process of letting go....from the same clethra shrub.

When I was walking in the woods yesterday I brought home some bittersweet and decorated the base of my birdbath.  Do you think we'll draw more birds?  One can hope.                                                                                       
I folded stars until I ran out of strips during the drive from Portland to Lexington.  
I love filling my little jars...then finding them a home.  

It may seem like a little pile...but they're little stars going into little jars.  
I'm always grateful to Adam for teaching me how to make them.



  1. Oh wow!! Those stars are the epitome of cuteness! They would make a fun 'elfing' gift (anon gifting during the Christmas season). I don't suppose that there is a tutorial out there for them? I went back thru your 'stars' posts, but did not see a link to one.

    1. I'm so glad you love the stars....I do too. There are all kinds of tutorials online including videos....just google origami stars...they are sometimes called lucky stars. I learned from my friend Adam and it helped to watch someone and practice with them. Everyone has their own technique so you just have to find the best way for you. The hardest part is getting them to puff up at the end. I'll send you an e-mail with more information but here is a site that had fairly good pictures.
      And here's a video: Thanks for reaching out....I love hearing from people!
