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Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Out and About

It was one of those wonderful warm and sunny late November days where you couldn't help but spend most of it out and about.

I started in the woods.

I carefully placed my pumpkin in the woods yesterday because it was starting to get mushy.  Can you see it back in the distance?

 I was ticked to see that the squirrels found it. 

This branch (or maybe it's a whole tree) was super long....and fell in an artful way making an interesting horizontal line where there are mostly verticals.

 The woods was full of textures and colors. 


This afternoon I headed to South Portland and made the rounds at some of my favorite spots like Bug Light Park....

 ....and the Junk Beach. 

And as I was driving home by way of the Baxter Boulevard around Back Cove the sun was setting. So I parked the car and walked the path until the sun disappeared. It was a good day to be out and about on a warm and sunny November day.

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