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Sunday, November 3, 2019

Sharing Stars

"For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream."
Vincent Van Gogh

Two little jars of stars recently made their way to new homes....and that makes me happy.

I better get folding again.

We've had some chilly nights and a hard frost is coming soon so it was time to pull up the annuals and dump the plant pots at the condo.  I enjoyed being out in the crisp fall air and I'm always relieved when those outdoor chores are done for another season.  There's more to do in Lexington...but that will have to wait because I'm in Maine all week.

Both the fan flower (Scaevola) and the verbena have a woody stem so were still doing OK even in this chilly weather.  But it's hard to enjoy them under the leaves and the hard frost is coming so off they went to the woods.
Here they were in their prime.  It's been a great year for the gardens!
The front of the condo faces east....and that makes for great conditions for plant pots.  This photo was taken way back in July and the plants pretty much doubled in size and I've enjoyed them all summer long.  

I was quite take by the roots from the sweet potato vine....they both were so interesting.  One was folded in half....and the other coiled up like a spring.  I learned that they're not edible....but they're pretty cool!  I also found these little acorn bottoms in the same plant pot....I wonder what little creature put them there.

And this was what came into the house with me....a colorful late fall haul don't you think?  I just can't help myself.

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